We offer the opportunity for you to create your own table, giving you the feeling that you are portraying your own vision of how you would like your office space, home or hotel to look. With the tool on your website you can quickly and easily create a table of your liking and we will give you a quote. Our team will be available to answer any of your quieries to help you with your choice.

    Type of table:Coffee tableDining tableSide table

    Table top form:roundrectangularsquareirregular formelliptical

    Number of seats Dining table:46810

    Size (cm) : L/W/H

    Arrangement of the table top:
    RiverDouble RiverStandart lineIslandLive edgeEpoxy edge


    Double River

    Standart line


    Live edge

    Epoxy edge

    Type of wood:
    European WalnutАmerican WalnutOakWengeCherry

    Resin color:
    Ocean blueLight blueLight greenCooperGreenBlack pearlRedSilver pearlBlackTransparent


    Table legs:
    Metal legsWooden legs


    Contact details: